Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results

1. Are you Male or Female?
Female – 17


We asked more females than males and therefore our results will be baised towards females.

2. How old are you?

The target audience of our documentary is between 14-25 however we asked more 14-17 year olds so therefore our documentary will appeal more to the younger half of our target audience.

3. What is your favourite colour?

The favourite three colours of the results are Blue, Pink and Purple, so we will include these colours within the opening titles and thorughout the programme so as it contionously appeals to our target audience.

4. What is your favourite type of music?
Pop music was the highest and therefore will be the background music of the documentary so our targat audience will enjoy listening to it.

5. When do you wear make-up?

This shows that most people within our target audience wear make-up everyday and 26 out of 30 have worn make-up so our documentary will appeal to this age group.

6. Where do you buy your make–up?

This shows that the most popular shop to buy make-up in is Superdrug, so we will include shots of Superdrug stores in our documentary so it will appeal to out audience.

7. What type of make-up people wear?
The most popular choice was Rimmel so we will interview members of the public who buy Rimmel make-up.

8. How much do you spend on make-up each month?
Most people spend £6-£10 or £11 -£15 pounds each month on make-up. So we will use these satistics when the voiceover talks.

9. Why people wear make up?

Results show mainly that people wear make-up for self-confidence, to highlight features, to look pretty and to cover up spots. Again we will use these statistics in our voiceover.

10. What do you think of males wearing make-up?

There were the same amount of people who thought that men who wear make-up are gay and acceptable which shows that if we address the topic of men wearing make-up being accpetable Eg. Drag queens and also interview people who think it’s gay we will appeal to our target audience.

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